Time is a Plant, Michael Marder

Cover: calligraphic artwork Peregrination/Peregrinação (Coffea Arabica), from the series Forest Time (Eternal Forest), 2023 by Evgenia Emets. 

“Our” world is vegetal. None of it would have been in existence were it not for the life activity of plants. Time, discernible in the rhythms, intervals, logics, articulations, and disarticulations of the world, is the time of plants. Starting from scientific, philosophical, and theological insights into the time of plants, Michael Marder’s new study gently steers readers toward the vegetality of time. Specters and spirits, cosmic trees and phytogenesis, the vegetal apriori and weird chronos, the seeds of events and the branches of divergent chronologies, diachronic phases and symbiotic assemblages join the rich tapestry of this work to proclaim, Time is a plant!