Eternal Forest artists created artistic experiences and interventions at Gathering of Tribes – a gathering for a regenerative culture near Odemira, in Alentejo in Portugal on the river Mira, during 14-18 of September 2022.
Eternal Forest Art Camp brought together six artists: Maja Escher, Mariana Dias Coutinho, Ines R. Amado, Ines Ferreira-Norman, Regina Frank and Evgenia Emets, and Anja Henckel – an art curator and co-founder of the project Jardim do Mira located near Odemira in Portugal.
Their experiences, thoughts and artistic interventions offered at the Gathering of Tribes were created with the purpose of promoting the regeneration of the planet and people.
Experiential artworks emerged from the moment of connecting to the land, to the soil, to the traditional culture of Alentejo and local emerging regenerative communities, inspired by the values and principles of the growing regenerative movement.
For the Gathering of Tribes, Eternal Forest and Jardim do Mira collaborated to support artists invited under the umbrella of Eternal Forest to hold conversations, walks, and art experiences, to explore the possibilities for future long-term collaborations. Our hope is that with this first action at Gathering of Tribes we will be able to open a possibility for an Eternal Forest Sanctuary locally and inspire many more.
The project was kindly supported by Andrea Herrera, El Santo (Madrid) and EarthSkyLab.
What camp participants say about Eternal Forest camp at GOT?
Philippa Fairy (Philipp Hansen)
‘It is a magic box, tasty food, good atmosphere, an evening of live music under the stars…
… the fact that we can learn and investigate a topic by sharing each others experiences and not just by reading books and studying theories.
this was such and interesting moment, cause people were listening and the listening helped them expand.
after that there was dancing, dancing, dancing and finally sleeping.
we were listing to our fellow humans experiences and thoughts realizing there is only us. And by sharing we can heal and learn and grow and be together.’
Inês Ferreira-Norman
‘GoT was the grounds for the important play I just needed! An incredible atmosphere of sharing and caring took us through a journey of connecting to all beings and empowered the regenerative work we are doing.’
Inês R. Amado
‘G.O.T. in its essence was for me an immersive event which gave me the opportunity to meet, engage and be engaged in a community made up of different communities where we were One. A field of interconnected souls in which we could commune and where we were open to wounds of the land and simultaneously the potential of healing and processes of regeneration and of coherent healing through creativity, synergy and of togetherness.’

What people say about the Eternal Forest Mira art experience:
Inês Ferreira-Norman, artist
‘Eternal Forest walk was a truly introspective journey of connecting, in particular with the river and the forest. The meditation and poetry Evgenia prepared took me to a place called time and that was powerful: alongside the presence of all beings, time became a being as well.‘
Daniela, Skanking Farmers
‘A morning walk in silence with Eternal Forest
There were no expectations, only an ambitious desire for connection and grounding. Evgenia guided us through the paths I had already walked before, in a different mindset and body sensation this time. I felt the vibrations of the forest and heard the calling of Gaia in each step and as we sat closer to the roots the energy sunk into every cell, and particle of my being.
Returning to the starting point the feeling was different – I felt awareness and presence in my path, stronger to carry on the mission in this life, safe and in trust that the Eternal Forest yet to be seen is everywhere.
Aho 🌿’
Manuel Vilhena, Silveira
‘The Eternal Forest art experience is a journey within ourselves as we are not only part of Nature, we are Nature! A complete yet simple experience that allows us to go back to our roots and re-connect with who we are‘
What is Gathering of Tribes?
Gathering of Tribes is a gathering for regenerative culture taking place near Odemira, Alentejo in Portugal from 14-18 of September with many tribes coming together. You can expect to learn about existing eco-projects, existing and emerging communities, and meet the leaders in regenerative finance, building, art, and ecorestoration projects. Dream, celebrate and co-create!

About Jardim do Mira

Jardim do Mira is located in the natural park ‘Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina’ promoting and developing activities and actions to improve biodiversity and environmental sustainability. The project started in early 2019 and acts since through a sociocratically organised association. The ownership is decentralised by the members holding shares in the company that owns the land and all hold a voice in the association. The group is passionate about revitalising the land and, in collaboration with local and external brain and muscle, explores best practices.
The project spans an area of 175.000m2, of which almost two-thirds have been exploited for the cultivation of a eucalyptus monocultureover fourty years. Since the project began research and the collection of data have been a focus. Currently, master’s students from HNE Eberswalde from the faculty of forest and environment conduct a self-led long-term study on the natural survival rate and general growth of endemic species. The Mira region as a whole is an important protected area of the Portuguese coast and offers a unique opportunity for integrated protection.
Eternal Forest engages with the Jardim do Mira member Anja Henckel who is active as a curator and focuses on intercultural and diverse content. She is dedicated to the project as a test field and for the activities and actions to become visible. Alongside the daily project care, she currently manages an Erasmus exchange program on regional development and co-develops a fellowship-residency program which will commence on the topic of water in October 2022. Both engagements are in close exchange with actors from eco-village Rothenklempenow in North-East Germany and collaborations with regional actors and project makers from Alentejo.
During Gathering of Tribes Eternal Forest and Jardim do Mira will collaborate to support six artists invited under the umbrella of Eternal Forest and hold conversations, walks, art experiences, to explore the possibilities for future long-term collaborations.
Jardim do Mira http://jardimdomira.org/