Eternal Forest Film 2018

The Eternal Forest 2018 art film was made in Portugal in Gois, area which suffered unprecedented fires in 2017 due to deforestation and pervasive monocultures. The film is based on a series of interviews, in which local people talk about the experience of the forest in their lives. They share stories of the aesthetic and spiritual, ecological and socio-economic effects of monoculture landscapes. They bemoan the absence of natural forests. Yet an unbroken connection with a ‘feeling’ of a forest appears. The poem ‘Sacred Tree’ – part of the cycle of Eternal Forest poetry forms the visual and sonic narrative of this art film. 

Eternal Forest film has been shown in over 50 screenings in the UK and Portugal in 2018-2019, including UCL, Portuguese Embassy, King’s College London, Evolving the Forest, Dartington, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Cinemateca Portuguesa and many other locations. It received Portuguese national prize CineEco Seia in 2018. 

Trailer of the film Eternal Forest